25 January 2016

cny homemade cookies 2016

Annual baking affair for cny cookies by my sis and I. These are the types of cookies we baked for the past two weekends  :)

pineapple tarts, chocolate chip cookies, oatmeal corn flake cookies
Butter cookies, almond cookies, fried arrowarrowhead 
Selling price range S$12-S$16

01 January 2016

great fireworks at woodlands

Happy new year everyone!

The countdown fireworks at woodlands never fail to disappoint me. A good and nice 10min of fireworks on this year countdown.

Managed to watch with my little one as she only slept for 15min -_-" She was more energetic than me. Slept for less than 1hr for the whole afternoon. Great that she only woke up at 10am this morning. Hopefully she have more sleep for year 2016.

Breakfast from Lady M