30 October 2016

bak kut teh

Finally I did a home cook bak kut teh. Had bought the instant soup pack for quite sometimes but didn't try it out. It was from seah's spices if I did not remember wrongly lol Is a spice and herb taste instead of the white peppery type of bak kut teh. Not too salty and simple instructions and ingredients from the package. Only require water, pork rib and garlic.

29 October 2016

simple breakfast for the little one

Simple breakfast for the little one. French toast, macoroni and steam egg using pumpkin soup broth. Boiled my own soup broth using chicken breast meat or pork. Sometimes will add carrots, potatoes or pumpkins.

21 October 2016

baked cheese tart

Have been seeing people posting of buying this baked cheese tart at Ion orchard. Happen to passby at 12noon and there's no queue. Decided to give it a try. The tarts are selling at $3.50 per pc, $19.50 for 6pcs.

My comment after having a bite was... WOW! Nice! Hahaha worth my $3.50

19 October 2016

afternoon tea

Tea break at Archipelago Creamery (Jurong West St 91). Nice crispy charcoal waffle along with morning dew flavor tea  :)

08 October 2016

That's life

珍惜生命中的每一天。Life do have changes after years regardless health, kinship,  friendship, marriage,  etc. Happy to see positive changes,  but sad to see negative changes. Especially after years. Maybe, to someone it is a good chance to 解脱。Never ever expect this will happen in the group. Although I'm not the parties, maybe is a karma for doing something similar to other in the past. Whatever it is, hopefully time will heal and everyone will move on with a better life with the new changes.