23 February 2011

new lifestyle

Good news =) Received a phone call last night from segar rc informing me about e status of my part-time job interview held 2 weeks back. Start work on coming mon 28-feb! =) I'm still thinking maybe application failed because it had been 2 weeks but still no news =p Guess new lifestyle gona start very soon~No more slacking around after work. Time to get some extra income. Will be working as part-time administrator 2hrs per day (730-930pm). After familarising with e systems etc, it'll be based on a rotating working day with another administrator. It's just walking distance from my house =) Guess it isn't really that simple & idiot job as what you may think of. One will need to handle e bbq & tennis court booking, selling of events tickets, residents' complaints and even helping out of events etc.
Has always been thinking it'll be good to earn some extra income as a backup from full-time job. But still would prefer a fixed income part-time job rather than those what mlm job. Those job you have to work double hard & is more tiring lor. Though e outcome will be better if you willing to put in more effort & work almost 24hrs including your full-time job working hours =p Whereas for this, it's some sort of assist/serving e residents? *thumb up*
Look forward to e new lifestyle & hope I able to sustain =)

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