09 March 2011

interrupted sleep

It's e second week at my part-time work and tonight will be e 7th day at work =) Survived e first week. For e past two days it's more quiet than first week. Guess it's common because e girl told me that during e first week she joined, it's also quite alot of residents walking-in to make booking. Anyway, will be starting e rotating shift from next week onwards. Had did a duty roster on Monday =) We will be working for consecutive then swop shift as there is only one set of keys. It'll be easier in this way ba.
Slept at 11pm last night, however I woke up at 2+am then 4+am then 6+am -_-" Seem like I've been waking up at every two hours interval huh =p When I first woke up at 2+am, I felt that I've slept for quite long but actually it's only 2+am. And It's so nice to sleep after 6+am especial when I need to woke up for work. Hmmm....I also don't why this happen haha But my twins told me that maybe my brain is still working as thinking will excited so hard to sleep. It's a sign of stress when I'm tired during daytime working hours. She experienced it when she's in cambodia working. Seriously don't know whether my brain is still working when I'm asleep anot and whether I'm stress LOL Guess it's always a good start off with a stressful job as your first job. I had mine when I graduated from poly and then moved on with part-time study and juggling among work, study and finance. As time go by, you'll feel numb towards e stress and you'll find yourself easier to handle stress ba ;)

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